Naturally Balanced

Ecotherapy for therapists and educators

Our mission is to inspire our readers to build a deeper relationship with nature.

A conscious way of experiencing nature is a powerful developmental and healing tool.

We educate and share knowledge based exclusively on scientific research.

At Naturally Balanced portal we promote knowledge in ecopsychology, ecotherapy and the broadly understood link between man and nature.

The content in our Portal site is dedicated to people who are passionate about nature.

We reach readers who seek personal and professional development.

Our team educates on integrated health care, finding the connection between science, psychology and spirituality. At Naturally balanced, we show the advantages of ecotherapy, promote a health-oriented lifestyle and help to understand the relationship between mind and body.  All this to prove that nature is our strong ally.

With a fascination for the beauty and biodiversity of nature at its core, we strive to encourage people to experience and enjoy nature regularly to benefit from its strong and proven therapeutic value, mentally, spiritually and physically alike.

We believe that an interest in the beauty of nature is a way out of the crisis we have found ourselves in as humanity and as a planet. Thus, it is our motivation to instil this interest in everyone.

We believe in the potential of collective action.

Naturally Balanced welcomes environmental activists, scientists, therapists, ecologists, educators, doctors, phytotherapists, and all those who love and understand nature to share and organise knowledge in this area.

Join our interdisciplinary community of experts and nature lovers.

Help us spread the word based on the belief that the health of our planet is inextricably linked to our health.



Katarzyna Kieszkowska


Tworzy programy edukacyjne i certyfikujące. Nieustannie pogłębia swoją wiedzę z zakresu medycyny żywienia, ekoterapii i naturalnego podejścia do zdrowia. Od 30 lat jest dydaktykiem (Uniwersytet Warszawski, Lang LTC), edukuje i zarządza procesami edukacyjnymi. Zgłębia metody nauczania i uczenia się w celu zwiększenia efektywności i możliwości zindywidualizowanego rozwoju. Inspiruje ją dzielenie się wiedzą. Jest menedżerem i przedsiębiorcą, właścicielem kilku firm edukacyjnych. W przedsięwzięciu „Naturalnie w równowadze” łączy swoją pasję do zdrowego stylu życia z doświadczeniem dydaktyka. Kocha naturę i każdą wolną chwilę poświęca na jej eksplorowanie. Stawia na edukację digitalną, gdyż uważa, że dzięki nowym technologiom otwierają się nowe możliwości upowszechniania wiedzy, która dotychczas była dostępna tylko dla specjalistów.

Sylwia Kieszkowska


She worked as a psychotherapist both in psychiatric institutions (IPIN, MORS) and with many NGOs in Poland (Feminoteka Foundation) and Spain (AESCO, Intress). She provides individual and group therapy for people in difficult social situations - immigrants, women experiencing domestic violence and young mothers. She also specializes in eating disorders. Using her previous experience and work with clients, she co-founded Naturally to spread the idea of a comprehensive approach to mental and physical health. She believes in the connection between the body and mind in the process of healing and making lasting changes in everyday well-being. She is enthusiastic about a natural and holistic approach to life and health. She currently lives in Barcelona, is a yoga practitioner and spends a lot of time by the sea and in the woods with her beloved dog, Luna.

Naturally balanced means:
Be active, connect
Keep learning, take notice