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How to start your day by deeply connecting with yourself

Published: 26/01/2022
Naturally Balanced
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Date of the last update: 26.01.2022

In our lives, we build several relationships that turn out to be enduring or fragile, brief or many years. However, the most important and longest relationship that each of us develops is the relationship with ourselves. It’s an essential part of building both the internal and the external world – the one that surrounds us and through which we communicate with others. Deep connection with oneself is a conscious entry into one’s thoughts and feelings, distinguishing the negative from the positive and the truth from illusion. How to get in touch with your own “Self” every morning?

Table of Contents:

  1. Personal development and the multiplicity of the “Self”
  2. How often to connect with oneself
  3. How to start your day with a deep connection to yourself

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Personal development and the multiplicity of the “Self”

Answers to questions related to the human psyche are never simple. They are not one-dimensional, either, just like everybody’s “self” has many faces. Thus, it is hard to talk about a deep connection with oneself if we cannot notice this diversity and multidimensionality of our psyche. Before we begin to get in touch with ourselves and listen to our inner voice, we must realise that the concept of the multiplicity of the self is absolutely natural. What’s more – the thinking of ourselves as coherent entities is an element of the illusory sense of control over one’s being. It gives a sense of security, yet it distances us from knowing ourselves and achieving a deep connection with ourselves.

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How often to connect with oneself

A deep connection with oneself is among the most important elements of learning about reality and maintaining mental health. However, connecting with yourself and analysing yourself constantly may not necessarily be beneficial for you. Illusions are a kind of defence mechanism that protects against negative feelings. According to Taylor and Brown’s research, conscious self-perception can lower self-esteem and even depressive states. Thus, it is essential to accept your diversity and understand the mechanisms of illusion and mindfully reconcile with them. In that way, you can appreciate yourself and notice your continuous development, too.

How to start your day with a deep connection to yourself

It’s a good idea to create a deep connection with yourself every morning, giving yourself time to wake up and learn about your needs and your mood.

3 tips on how to get in touch with yourself:

  1. When you wake up, just lie back with your eyes closed for a moment. This is the time to listen to the needs of your body and mind and recognise the signals. Calm and balanced breathing will help.
  2. Words are very helpful in establishing a deep connection with oneself. Oftentimes we have the impression that no language can express our feelings. An attempt to structure them and give them a tangible dimension makes it easier to understand oneself.
  3. Difficult emotions cannot be pushed to the background, as they tend to build up and overwhelm us at most inappropriate moments. Morning is a good time to unravel and recognise these emotions and distance yourself from them to find the weak spot in them. Gaining a distance can sometimes help us get closer to what matters most.

A deep connection with your “Self” allows you to maintain a special relationship – the one for life. It’s worth starting your day this way.

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Naturally Balanced
The Naturally Balanced team includes experts in their field who create the best content for you, collaborating on their knowledge and experience.