Naturally Balanced > Education and ecology > How to recharge your batteries in the Winter and stay energized

How to recharge your batteries in the Winter and stay energized

Published: 17/12/2021
Naturally Balanced
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Date of the last update: 17.12.2021

When Winter does not give up, and the temperature drops below zero, along with our energy and desire to spend the day actively. Low temperatures also contribute to the spread of various viral diseases. And there is no better way to recharge your batteries than to take care of your body.

Table of Contents:

  1. Energy, That Is About Recharging Your Batteries
  2. Taking a Nap – a Real Energy Boost
  3. Proper Breathing – a Way to Recharge Your Batteries
  4. Physical Activity in Winter
  5. Energy From Food

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Energy, That Is About Recharging Your Batteries

Energy is nothing but the body’s ability to perform a given task. All living things need energy which can be taken from food, drink and nature. Energy is a part of human life, and when we lack it, it’s so hard to go on with our everyday chores. Our mood depends on the body’s energy state, or in other words, our battery levels. If the level is low, you have no power and desire to work, learn, or play. Activity, joy and focus on our goals raise the energy level. Thus, it is crucial to nourish your good energy to help you “move mountains”.

A Nap – a Real Energy Boost

A short nap refreshes your mind, eliminates the effects of stress and improves human productivity. What is more, sleep means health, so a nap strengthens immunity and benefits your health. Turn off your mobile and have at least 30 minutes of sleep in silence. Taking a nap in nature, on a hammock, is highly recommended so that you can hear only singing birds and rustling leaves. If this is not possible, you can turn on relaxing music while napping in your room. Sleep guarantees that your batteries will be recharged for the next day. It takes about 6-8 hours to make your body feel rested and regenerated in the morning.

Proper Breathing – a Way to Recharge Your Batteries

On average, a person takes about 12-16 breaths per minute, delivering about 0.5 litres of air with each breath. During exercise, this volume can increase up to 6 times. Thus breathing and, above all, the quality of the air that enters the lungs is essential. Therefore, it’s important to ensure “fresh air” to help our bodies regenerate and recharge batteries to tackle everyday problems and difficulties. The best solution for healthy breathing is walking on a winter day, preferably hiking through the forest. In Winter, the air in our homes is mostly “dry” because of heating. Spending time in heated rooms can lead to drying the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, which significantly increases the risk of various viral infections. The best way to keep the right humidity level indoors is to use humidifiers, diffusers and hanging wet towels on the radiator. Do not forget to air rooms, even in Winter it’s important to open the window for at least a few minutes. As we currently struggle with smog, it’s not always possible to take a walk or air our rooms. Thus it’s worth getting some plants that purify the air. Greenery at home will also improve your mood.

Physical Activity in Winter

“A sound mind in a sound body”, says a famous proverb. Physical activity is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Its impact on health is invaluable: it improves immunity, prevents obesity and reduces the risk of developing several diseases and illnesses, including type 2 diabetes. Daily exercise, preferably in the fresh air, has a beneficial effect on the body. A winter day is not an obstacle for sports such as running, Nordic-walking or walking.  Your body needs tempering, and there are several ways to do it. Some choose to swim in the sea, and others walk barefoot in the snow. The form of exercise needs to be selected according to the person’s capabilities, age, and preferences taking up the physical activity.

Energy From Food

A proper diet is fundamental to recharging your batteries and keeping your energy up all day long. The right food will improve your mood and boost your concentration and activity. Along with food, you should provide:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 group,
  • complex carbohydrates,
  • tryptophan (amino acid necessary to produce serotonin),
  • as well as B vitamins,
  • minerals (e.g. selenium, magnesium),
  • folic acid.

The best sources of tryptophan are eggs, fermented dairy products, lean meat, fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines), whole grain cereals, legumes, seeds and grains. Remember about proper hydration! Still water and herbal or fruit teas will definitely help boost your energy.


Ciborowska H., Rudnicka A., Dietetyka. Żywienie zdrowego i chorego człowieka, PZWL, Warszawa 2014.

Siemiński M. i in., Diagnostyka i terapia bezsenności w praktyce ogólnolekarskiej; Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2018, tom 12, nr 6.

New WHO physical activity recommendations National Centre for Nutrition Education [Narodowe Centrum Edukacji Żywieniowej] (

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The Naturally Balanced team includes experts in their field who create the best content for you, collaborating on their knowledge and experience.