Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and stressed?
Are you ready to experience the healing benefits of nature?
Get ready to be transformed!
Join me, a psychotherapist and ecotherapist,
on a 3 hour forest bathing walk that will change your life.
📌 Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola
📅 SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2022 FROM 10:30-13:30
⏱️Duration: 3 hr

You want to learn how to recharge?
You want to feel the power boost and be ready for the upcoming challenges?
You are tired of being drained by the day-to-day routine?
I have something for you – Forest Bathing Walk!
Fill in the form to join.

Well, it is a Japanese practice that originated in Shinrin-yoku meaning “forest-air bathing” but it has spread worldwide. Forest bathing is about feeling energized and being prepared for the next adventure. It is about finding yourself again, connecting with nature and spending time on your own in the peace of a forest. Let me show you how to be healthier and happier by practicing forest bathing as an ecotherapist and psychotherapist.
In only 3 hours you will immerse yourself in a forest bathing experience and learn how to connect with yourself, how to draw energy from the plants, finding your own personal, deeper connection with the natural world. Even if you consider yourself a nature lover, this experience will help you to deepen your relationship with the forest and open your eyes to a new way of perception.
“Salir a la montaña con Sylwia ha sido la mejor decisión de la semana!”
“To understand what it is, you must try it!”
“We learned that this way of connecting is always accessible to us and has healing qualities”

She worked as a psychotherapist both in psychiatric institutions (IPIN, MORS) and with many NGOs in Poland (Feminoteka Foundation) and Spain (AESCO, Intress). She provides individual and group therapy for people in difficult social situations – immigrants, women experiencing domestic violence and young mothers. She also specializes in eating disorders. Using her previous experience and work with clients, she co-founded Naturally to spread the idea of a comprehensive approach to mental and physical health. She believes in the connection between the body and mind in the process of healing and making lasting changes in everyday well-being. She is enthusiastic about a natural and holistic approach to life and health. She currently lives in Barcelona, is a yoga practitioner and spends a lot of time by the sea and in the woods with her beloved dog, Luna.

Our mission is to inspire our readers to build a deeper relationship with nature.
A conscious way of experiencing nature is a powerful developmental and healing tool.
We educate and share knowledge based exclusively on scientific research.