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Mental resilience – what is it and how do you build it?

Published: 30/05/2022
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Date of the last update: 30.05.2022

There have been many discussions about mental resilience in recent years. This topic appears in various contexts. For example, experts talk about the need to strengthen mental resilience in young people and prevention of mental disorders. But taking care of the psyche should be everyone’s priority. So, what are the ways to build mental resilience?

Table of Contents:

  1. What is mental resilience?
  2. How to be mentally resilient?
  3. Summary

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What is mental resilience?

Many people have an intuitive understanding of what mental resilience is. The term has a broad definition, but the idea is one. It is about the ability to cope with stress and challenging situations. Mental resilience means that you can deal with crisis and tough times, and are able to recover from them quickly. It is how you maintain your balance and emotional stability. Its source lies in both genetic and environmental factors. A mentally resilient person is patient, confident in their own abilities, has inner discipline and openness. They are able to draw on a variety of resources. When you have the resilience, you don’t worry about trivialities and can act assertively even under pressure. Mental resilience is nothing but simply a strong psyche.

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How to be mentally resilient?

Mental resilience is a great skill and it’s worth working on for all your life. Some people find it easier, while for others it is a little more challenging. However, the strive to develop a strong psyche is a very good investment, and its cost should not deter you. Especially since progress is often made in small steps and through systematic practice. Here are some tips on how to strengthen your mental toughness.

  • A mentally strong person takes care of their well-being. So, when you feel that tiredness and negative emotions are catching up with you, take rest and seek support. Try to keep a balance between different spheres of life. That is why it is so important to focus on relaxation and regeneration.
  • Mental resilience is strongly connected with assertiveness. It is necessary to look after your comfort, set limits, learn to refuse and express your opinion.
  • Mental resilience does not come from a vacuum. You can get strength and stamina from other people’s support. That is why it is essential to look after the quality of your relationships with your loved ones. 
  • Many people have negative thoughts and catastrophic visions. But with mental resilience you know how to control them. Above all, you can dispel various fears and anxieties simply by relying on a rational judgement of reality.
  • Mental resilience means a lot of understanding for yourself and others. Learn to accept yourself, your advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses. Try to remember that the world has many shades and we may not always like all of them.
  • Resilience is openness to others and readiness to change. Taking up challenges and trying your best. A mentally strong person treats it as an experiment and a new life experience. While failing is a part of it, it does not stop you from trying again.
  • A mentally resilient person avoids feeding on negative information and messages. Seeks balance in this area as well. So practice critical thinking and considering different points of view. In this way, you can learn to see different perspectives, including those that give you energy and reasons for optimism.
  • Mental resilience is also the ability to cope with stress and difficult events in a constructive way. A resilient person is proactive and looks for solutions. While sometimes you may fail to find them, try and think where to get support. When you’re going through something challenging, you have a choice to look for a way out of it rather than focus on how hard it is for you. 


Mental resilience is an important and broad topic. Several factors contribute to it, including your personality, life experience, health status and even cultural context. Regardless of your resources and hardships you experience, there are some easy steps you can take to strengthen your psyche. But to do this you need to take responsibility for your life. A mentally resilient person knows that they have no control over everything. Yet, they still have a high sense of self-efficacy.

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Ribeiro M., How to Become Mentally Strong: 14 Strategies for Building Resilience, [in:] Positive Psychology [online]. Available online: (11.08.2021).

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